Is Surrogacy Good or Bad: Expert Opinion

Is Surrogacy Good or Bad

Surrogacy is a reproductive technology that allows couples with infertility and single men, etc., to have children. The essence of the surrogacy procedure is the voluntary carrying and childbirth of a biologically alien baby. A baby born by a surrogate mother is brought up by genetic parents.

According to the World Center of Baby agency, surrogacy in Ukraine is legal and regulated by legal acts, so it is often resorted to by those unable to have a child naturally. As a result, every year the number of such children increases and today there are already several hundred thousand of them.

But is surrogacy good or bad? If you do not yet have an unambiguous answer to this question, the information below will be useful to you.

Pros of the Best Surrogacy Ukraine

The reproductive technology of gestational surrogacy Ukraine has a number of advantages not only over other methods but also conventional fertilization:

  • A surrogate mother is always an absolutely healthy woman without hereditary pathologies and problems. Her health condition is carefully checked by examinations and analysis. This approach guarantees the birth of a healthy baby, which you cannot predict in a regular pregnancy, when the expectant mother may have various medical problems;
  • Fertilization of the donor egg occurs naturally through the penetration of the sperm into the oocyte. Surrogacy does not need Artificial intervention. The clinic only creates optimal conditions for fertilization;
  • Carrying an embryo and giving birth to a baby is also natural;
  • From an economic perspective, surrogacy is preferable for many. It allows excluding expensive and not consistently effective treatment. According to the experts of the best surrogacy agency in Ukraine, World Center of Baby, surrogacy in Ukraine varies between $ 40,000 and $ 60,000, which is quite a reasonable

Thus, according to the law, surrogacy is a humane and effective way to become parents of a healthy child. The provision of perfect services by a surrogate mother is based on the goodwill of both parties. At the same time, the surrogate mother receives a material reward, and the biological parents – a healthy child.

Cons of Surrogacy

The World Center of Baby indicates that one of the most significant problems associated with surrogacy is its rejection by some strata of society. This can negatively affect the child if he later learns about his origin.

Another problem with this reproductive technology is the use of a donor egg. Thus, the biological mother of the baby is a stranger and remains psychologically estranged.

The impact of surrogate motherhood on the psyche of a woman carrying someone else’s child also remains a controversial topic. For some surrogate mothers, the need to give up the child can be a severe psychological trauma.

We hope you found the information presented here important. On the best agency World Center of Baby forum, you will get more up-to-date information about the pros and cons of gestational surrogacy, its cost, and its features. So, be sure to visit the service.
