What Causes Miscarriages ?

A miscarriage refers to the loss of the fetus before the twentieth week of pregnancy. There are many reasons for it, but not everything is within the mother’s or the doctor’s control.

The causes should be discussed so the parents will know what increases the risk and how they can get the medical care they need for the baby. Contrary to popular belief, exercise and sexual intercourse do not cause miscarriage.

There are lots of myths and false information about this sensitive topic. Read about the causes of miscarriage, and be informed.

Chromosomal or Genetic Issues

Many miscarriages occur because of the baby’s chromosome issues. As the mother gets older, the risk for these problems increases. These genetic issues happen during the formation of the embryo and can occur randomly.

Chromosomal abnormalities cause approximately half of the recorded cases of miscarriage. Examples of these are the intrauterine demise of the fetus, molar pregnancy, partial molar pregnancy, and blighted ovum.

Bad Lifestyle Habits

Heavy drinking and using illegal drugs are highly dangerous for a developing baby. The mother must not engage in these habits that can increase the risk of miscarriages. An unhealthy lifestyle will be damaging not only to her but to the baby as well.

Smoking is also harmful, whether it is the mother or the father who smokes. This shows that the environment is a huge factor, so make sure to refrain from unsafe activities. Anything that isn’t good for a child is even worse for a growing fetus.

Long-Term Medical Conditions

The mother’s health problems can be one of the causes of miscarriage during the second trimester. Problems with the uterus or cervix, like fibroids or cervical incompetence, greatly increase the risk. Many devices allow early detection of these medical conditions.

Health conditions like diabetes, lupus, and other immune system disorders can also be very harmful to the development of the baby.

Too Much Oxygen and Lack of Oxygen

Believe it or not, some tests reveal that high levels of oxygen can be dangerous for the fetus. During the early stages of pregnancy, the fetus is not yet developed to tolerate high levels of oxygen.

The lack of oxygen can also lead to miscarriages, caused by illnesses that restrict blood flow to the mother’s uterus. The fetus will not be able to get the amount of oxygen that it needs to survive.

There are plenty of monitors that can measure oxygen saturation and carbon-monoxide levels in a patient. SPO2 sensors and cables allow the measurement of such levels. It is best to discuss oxygen-related concerns with the doctor.


Advanced maternal age remains to be the highest factor that can predict miscarriage occurrence, only followed by obese and underweight body-mass indexes. The increased risk of miscarriage among overweight women as compared to those among women with a normal body weight may be small but still significant.

Overweight women usually have longer labors, which makes it more difficult to monitor the baby. Having a normal weight will improve the chances of a good pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Food Poisoning

Be careful in consuming potentially contaminated food as they can cause food poisoning. It is the most significant food-related risk that pregnant women should be cautious of.

Eating raw eggs or chicken can cause salmonella infection. Unpasteurized dairy products can lead to a bacterial infection like listeriosis. Even consuming undercooked contaminated meat can be the source of toxoplasmosis.

Infections such as these also increase the risk of premature birth and stillbirth.

Invasive Prenatal Tests

Some people say that ultrasound may cause miscarriages when they actually mean invasive prenatal tests. There’s no need to fuss over which ultrasound equipment the doctor is using because they don’t affect the baby at all.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) can determine if the baby has any genetic conditions and provide information about their genetic makeup. However, it carries a 0.22 percent risk of miscarriage.

Amniocentesis is another test to see if the baby has any genetic or chromosomal conditions. It is also very risky, which is why it’s offered only when the baby has a genetic condition.

The doctor should explain all the benefits, as well as the risks, of these invasive procedures so the mother will be well-informed.

Information Dissemination Is Essential

Eating a healthy diet and avoiding getting sick are just general tips for a healthy pregnancy. The various reasons for miscarriage should be discussed because this information isn’t well disseminated. This makes it difficult for mothers to avoid completely preventable causes.