Understanding Logical Documentation: Translating -1.04e-06

Explore the meaning of -1.04e-06, a numerical expression

In the domain of science, science, and designing, numbers regularly show up in shapes that may appear enigmatic to those not commonplace with logical documentation. Expressions like -1.04e-06 can be threatening at to begin with look, but they typify a exact and proficient way of speaking to exceptionally expansive or exceptionally little numbers. Let’s dive into what -1.04e-06 means and how it is interpreted.

What is -1.04e-06?

At its center, -1.04e-06 is a brief representation of a numerical esteem. The documentation comprises of a few components:

Coefficient: The number going before the ‘e’, in this case, -1.04, speaks to the coefficient. It can be positive or negative and regularly falls inside the run of 1 and -1.

Base: The ‘e’ signifies the base, which implies “times ten to the control of.”

Exponent: The number taking after ‘e’, -06, speaks to the example. It decides the control to which ten is raised.

Combining these elements, -1.04e-06 can be expanded into the standard decimal form as follows:


Interpreting -1.04e-06

Coefficient: The coefficient, -1.04, shows the greatness of the number. In this occasion, it is marginally less than 1 and negative, suggesting that the number is a little negative value.

Base: The base, 10, remains consistent in logical documentation and implies that the number is communicated in powers of ten.

Exponent: The example, -06, decides the scale of the number. A negative example infers that the number is exceptionally little. In this case, the type -06 shows that the decimal point is moved six places to the left.

Practical Applications

Scientific documentation is especially valuable when managing with exceptionally expansive or exceptionally little numbers commonly experienced in logical disciplines such as material science, chemistry, cosmology, and engineering.

In the case of -1.04e-06:

Microscopic Estimations: It might speak to estimations in material science or chemistry, such as the mass of an molecule or the concentration of a substance in a solution.

Electronics: In electrical building, such values may speak to streams, voltages, or resistances at a microscale level.

Financial Examination: In fund, such documentation might be utilized to speak. To exceptionally little divisions of cash trade rates or intrigued rates.


In rundown, -1.04e-06 is a brief representation of a little negative number, around proportionate to -0.00000104. Understanding logical documentation empowers researchers, engineers, and mathematicians to work productively with amazingly expansive or little values, encouraging calculations and examination over different spaces of ponder. So, the following time you experience such documentation, keep in mind, it’s fair a compact way of communicating a numerical esteem in the domain of science and arithmetic.