Dead By Daylight: How to become a better survivor

Dead by daylight - Survivor Tips

These general tips will help you improve your Dead by Daylight gameplay. The main aspects are concentrated in the small things, that’s why be patient and have fun learning. Enjoy learning on dead by daylight.

  1. Before starting a generator wait for 15 seconds

This will give you the opportunity to check for killers. After starting the generator, hide immediately in a shed. At the start, Killers love to patrol. If they RNG next to you, they’ll save you the grief, thinking you’re not there and move on to a different generator. This gives you extra time, since they rarely return to a gene that they just patrolled.

  1. When you’re feeling unsafe check the territory

You can purposely run over a window! This often draws killers into an area right away from the get-go, and away from your friends. If you’re good at juking, at the start of the game that will help you get a few precious seconds while the killer wanders around trying to figure out who made the noise when you’re playing. I did this 4 times in the same area. I would make the noise again when the killer tried to leave, and then hide.

  1. Remember where your generators at

If you’re approaching the end of the game and you’ve repaired about 3 generators, keep in mind where those generators are located. When found, sprint to those already installed generators so you can pull away the killer from the unfixed ones. Nothing does more harm to your late game than running frantically to “anywhere” only to run the killer into gens still needing to be fixed.

  1. If you see someone running to save a hooked person, do NOT follow them.

Suppose they ‘re going to get the job done and go patch generators. So many games are lost because only to be taken out are 3 people hook diving their buddy to themselves. It is especially awful against leatherface (and never go to the basement unless you’re sure he’s on the other side of the world. 3 + kills is common for him if you dive into the basement and he’s nearby).

  1. Just do your work

It’s okay to be a bit selfish and just fix generators if your allies are playing tag with the killer. Many players survived numerous games by just ignoring the shenanigans of the other players and fixing what was needed to be fixed.

Also, if you’re down by 2 people and you see the 3rd being chased and at least 3 generators have been fixed. Just go ahead and start looking for the hatch. Chances are that person doesn’t get away and you can’t fix yourself on the rest. Don’t sit on top of the hatch, stay hidden because the killer might want a hatch stand-off, but they won’t keep the hatch forever because the killer may want a hatch stand-off but they won’t guard the hatch forever since they may assume you’re somewhere else fixing generators.

  1. Take your time to heal

Heal yourself, or someone else. I see too many games where people are spending 5-6 minutes damaged in the match. Yeah, you want to repair people but it’s worth the time it takes to recover to be able to take an extra blow.

By following above discussed steps, you can easily improve your Dead by Daylight gameplay. Read more on
