Telltale Signs That Your Air Conditioner’s Compressor is damaged

Damaged Air Conditioner’s Compressor

You may live in a place where you run your AC during the hotter seasons. You probably run it throughout most of your year if you live in a sweltering climate. Regardless of how long they are running, AC’s are bound to experience high levels of tear after prolonged use. Wear and tear usually result in the damage of your AC, and this is quite common. When your AC starts producing odd noises; you may wonder if it’s a small issue that you can resolve by yourself, or if it requires the attention of a professional. Most times, your air conditioner’s compressor may be the issue when you start noticing these small issues.

Problems with your AC’s compressor are serious. As you may know, the compressor makes up the heart of your AC. The compressor pressurizes the refrigerant so that it can absorb atmospheric heat inside your space, and then release it outside. When your AC compressor is damaged, you may need to either replace it or purchase a new AC system altogether. Dorin has a variety of compressors tailored to suit your AC needs. Here are some telltale signs that your AC is failing and needs professional attention.

  1. The compressor refuses to turn on

It is easy to tell that your compressor is not turning on. You may be inside your home or office space, and it’s too hot, yet your air conditioner doesn’t seem to achieve cooling your space to your desired temperatures. When you look at the indoor AC unit, the fans may seem to work just fine. However, on checking the condensing unit, you may notice that your compressor isn’t running, despite hearing the fan as well as seeing that there is power supply. In case you try to turn down your thermostat to fix this issue, and it refuses to come on, then your compressor may be failing.

  1. Your AC may produce a ticking noise

Usually, your AC will make some noise when you are turning it on or off. However, when the noise being produced is a ticking sound, you may have cause for concern. Before the compressor in your air conditioner begins to wear and fail, it will display some difficulty when turning off and on. Moreover, it will usually produce some ticking noises. This is a clear indication that the electrical relay in the AC unit is beginning to fail. When you notice this, consult an AC specialist to help assess the level of damage.

  1. A diminishing airflow

This sign is not the easiest to notice. However, it is a good indication that the compressor in your AC is going bad. When your compressor begins to get damaged, there will only be a minimal decrease in airflow. However, as the damage advances, you notice a significant decrease in the amount of cold air being released from the air vents in your AC. Once you notice even a slight decrease in the amount of air coming from the air conditioner, get an HVAC professional to assess whether your compressor is getting damaged.

  1. There are moisture leaks

When puddles of moisture from around your air conditioner, it may be a sign that the refrigerant is leaking. The refrigerator leaking out of the compressor is not only a sign that your compressor is damaged, but also poses health risks. Such kind of damage to your compressor also increases your energy bulls dramatically. The refrigerant’s role in your AC is to convert the warm air into the cold air, and the compressor is what enables the refrigerant to pressurize this air. Once you notice this issue, it is best to get it remedied immediately; else, you will probably have to replace the entire AC unit.

  1. Your AC is producing warm air

Sometimes your AC may continue to distribute air even when the compressor is damaged. However, instead of cold air, the AC will circulate warm air. This could be a sign that your AC is running low on refrigerant, which can quickly be resolved. It may also mean that your coolant is leaking out. However, warm air from your AC may be because of a bigger problem, a failing compressor

An AC unit is not cheap. Therefore if you notice these signs rather than attempt to fix your compressor, it is best to leave it to trained electricians and HVAC technicians. Moreover, acting quickly will ensure that you spend less money if the compressor isn’t beyond repair.


